


Announcing the Winners for “Success Stories by Open Badge Recipients, 2024” Competition








「オープンバッジで掴んだチャンス」 小野 梨奈さん » こちら

「ボランティア活動でアピール」 汐さん » こちら

「社内の風潮を変えたバッジ」 Tenkaさん » こちら

「文系からIT企業への内定決定」 makoさん » こちら

「社員としても個人事業主としても「使えるバッジ」」 うぶんちゅ:初心人さん » こちら

「SNSでオファー続出」 Sさん » こちら

「信頼されるコンサルタント」 齋藤 実さん » こちら

「営業活動で信用獲得」 州祢さん » こちら

「勉強の活力」 Tさん » こちら

「生涯にわたる「信用のバッジ」」 ナカータさん » こちら

「希望先への転職実現」 マルチンゲールさん » こちら

「会社にもお客様にも効果が」 山上 章代さん » こちら

「SNS・ブログで多数の反響」 山本 俊成さん » こちら



Thank you very much for using our services.

The winners have been selected for the “Success Stories by Open Badge Recipients, 2024” competition, based on our call for applicants between May 10 and May 31, 2024.

We were lucky to have 472 applications this time. Thank you for your cooperation.

As the use of open badges as certificates of success in various qualifications and as proof of completion of courses has been increasing in a wide range of fields, we held this event to collect success stories of badge recipients who were happy to receive their badges and how they successfully promoted their badges on social networking services, etc., and to introduce them as examples of how they are used by other recipients. The purpose of this event was to introduce the badges to other recipients as examples of how they have been used.

It was amazing for us to discover that the many applicants were using the Open Badge in multifaceted venues beyond the scope of its original implementation. Through the submitted reports, we were delighted to note that the Open Badge is steadily being recognized worldwide.

We are happy to announce the 13 award winners of the Gold, Silver, and Bronze for the 2024 competition.

You can view their individual success stories by clicking on the URL beside each award title.

【Gold Prize winner】
「オープンバッジで掴んだチャンス」 小野 梨奈さん » こちら

【Silver Prize winners】
「ボランティア活動でアピール」 汐さん » こちら

「社内の風潮を変えたバッジ」 Tenkaさん » こちら

「文系からIT企業への内定決定」 makoさん » こちら

【Bronze Prize winners】
「社員としても個人事業主としても「使えるバッジ」」 うぶんちゅ:初心人さん » こちら

「SNSでオファー続出」 Sさん » こちら

「信頼されるコンサルタント」 齋藤 実さん » こちら

「営業活動で信用獲得」 州祢さん » こちら

「勉強の活力」 Tさん » こちら

「生涯にわたる「信用のバッジ」」 ナカータさん » こちら

「希望先への転職実現」 マルチンゲールさん » こちら

「会社にもお客様にも効果が」 山上 章代さん » こちら

「SNS・ブログで多数の反響」 山本 俊成さん » こちら

Note: We will present the award winners and the lucky random selection winners with the respective rewards via email.

Once again, we express our big thanks for submitting your applications to this competition.

It impressed us very much that you have created positive impact on your motivation, work, and life by receiving an Open Badge. For those of you who were not selected, the value of your Open Badge remains equally precious. We hope that you will continue to make use of these badges in a variety of situations in the future.